We would like to cordially invite you to the two lectures by prof. Christian Stegmann, the DESY Director of Astroparticle Physics. He will speak about current status and future plans of two projects: the concept of the German Center of Astrophysics, and the next-generation underground detector of gravitational waves – the so-called Einstein Telescope. Please save the date on 4th and 5th of October.
First of the lectures will be organized in the form of FZU Colloquium, and it will take place on Wednesday, October 4th, starting at 16:00 in the lecture hall of the main building of FZU at Slovanka (ground floor next to the reception, address of the entrance is Pod vodárenskou věží 1, Praha 8).
This first lecture will introduce us the concept of the German Center of Astrophysics, which will be soon established in Saxony, just across the border with the Czech Republic, and which will host about 1000 employees and which will naturally become our important partner for future collaborations. The program with the volume of several billion Euro is financed through quite unique mechanism, using the German federal funds dedicated for compensation of the negative effects after the end of coal mining in given regions.
Do not forget to register using the link: https://rezervace.fzu.cz/exkurze.offer/view-75/
Einstein Telescope: Europe’s future of gravitational wave astronomy
The second of the lectures will take place on Thursday, October 5th, starting at 16:30 in the lecture hall T1 of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University in Troja campus (the lecture is on the ground floor, the address of the entrance to the faculty is V Holešovičkách 2, Praha 8).
This second lecture will be dedicated to the project of the next-generation underground detector of gravitational waves, the so-called Einstein Telescope, where one of three possible locations for the experiment is also just across the border, in the granite platform of Lusatia.
Christian Stegmann was professor at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. The astroparticle physicist works at the H.E.S.S. experiment (High Energy Spectroscopic System), a system of Cherenkov detectors in Namibia. This instrument allows scientists to explore cosmic showers of ultra-high energy gamma particles. From 1 October 2011 he represents the DESY Board of Directors in Zeuthen. Since 1 January 2019, Christian Stegmann is the first Director in charge of Astroparticle Physics at DESY and is also responsible for site management in Zeuthen.