Looking back at the LMP 2024 conference and thanking the participants
The organizers of the 16th International Conference on Local Mechanical Properties (LMP 2024) would like to thank all the participants, speakers, and exhibitors for their contributions. We also greatly appreciate the support of the sponsors of the event and the MecaNano Action. The event took place from May 29 to 31, 2024 at the premises of the FNSPE CTU in Prague.
Call for applications: The Czech-French exchange programme for Ph.D. students is open until November 28, 2024
The Embassy of France to the Czech Republic and the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MYES) coordinate the Barrande Fellowship Programme, the exchange mobility programme for Ph.D. students between the Czech Republic and France. Students must apply by January 28th 2024. The programme is designed to provide Ph.D. students in the Czech Republic with opportunities to study in France and Ph.D. students in France with opportunities to study in the Czech Republic.
Volby do Akademických senátů / Elections for academical senates
Ve dnech 26.-28. 11. 2024 se budou konaly volby do Akademického senátu FJFI a Akademického senátu ČVUT na funkční období 2025-2026. Z řad studentstva se měli volit jeden/jedna senátor/ka do AS ČVUT a čtyři senátoři/senátorky do AS FJFI, včetně jednoho/jedné senátora/senátorky za volební obvod Děčín. Kvůli nedostatku kandidátů/kandidátek se volby v obvodu Dečín vůbec nekonaly. Do AS FJFI byli zvoleni Ing. Lukáš Heriban a Bc. Jakub Vinklárek, do AS ČVUT byl zvolen Bc. Jakub Sochor.
The tenth nuclear reactor in the Czech Republic started operation on tuesday
On Tuesday June 6th, 2023, the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague launched the second training fission nuclear reactor VR-2.
PlasmaLab@CTU brings us closer to operating the world's first fusion power plant
At a time of rising energy prices, the search for new, clean sources of energy is increasingly in vogue. One solution to the looming energy crisis may be thermonuclear fusion. For several years in the south of France, scientists and engineers have been building the world's first fusion reactor. The Czech Republic is also represented here. Among the entities involved is, among others, the Faculty of Nuclear and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague (FNSPE), which currently operates the only working tokamak (fusion reactor) in the Czech Republic. Now, in addition to the reactor, the faculty has built a modern PlasmaLab@CTU laboratory for students and scientists at a cost of more than CZK 23 million.