Bachelor Programme
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The Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering (FNSPE CTU) in Prague offers full-time Bachelor Programme courses for three years (6 semesters) in duration, i.e. students are expected to be always present at lectures, exercises, practicals, and seminars throughout the semester. The tuition fee for Bachelor’s programmes taught in English is 110,000 CZK per academic year (55,000 CZK per semester).
The chosen field of study is to be entered in the application form. However, in the first two years, most of the study fields (marked blue in the table) offer a core course of fundamentals of maths, physics, and information technology, and two language courses. On application, transfer is possible from one field of study to another at a later point in a student's career provided that some minimal requirements are met for the specific field, i.e. the student demonstrates sufficient proficiency for the transfer. This provision offers students more time to get familiar with the structure of courses and select their final specialisation.
Some fields of the Bachelor Programme are not intended as prerequisites for master courses (they are marked green), while some are extensions of the undergraduate programme and are directly linked to such, and are prerequisites for the master continuation courses (see the table below).
What is offered in the Bachelor Programme?
The Bachelor Programme enables students to
Acquire a broad overview of mathematics and physics enabling them to solve interdisciplinary problems (as part of the core course);
Learn the basics of programming at respective levels of their specialisation;
Join a scientific team as early as the second year;
Produce a high-quality bachelor project that can be put into practice.
Upon attainment of the required number of credits (180), successful completion of coursework in all courses, submission and defence of the Bachelor Project, and successful passage of the State Final Examination the student is awarded a Bachelor's Degree (Bc.) at a graduation ceremony in the Bethlehem Chapel. This is a prerequisite for entering the Master's Continuation Programme or starting a career.