Petra Trnková from FNSPE is the face of a program aimed at attracting promising scientists from abroad
Czech TV News and the Science Plus program on Czech Radio broadcast reports on the launch of the Charleston program at Charles University, where our scientist and medical physicist Petra Trnková is a member of the steering committee. The aim of the program is to attract young and promising scientists with international experience to the Czech Republic. Half of the 120 million Czech crowns invested in the program will be provided by Charles University, the other half by EU funds.
MAFIA seminar: Luz Roncal (BCAM)
We invite everyone to the lecture "Hardy's inequality for the fractional powers of a discrete Laplacian" by Luz Roncal (BCAM), which will take place on December 17 from 12:00 in room T212. We ae looking forward to seeing you!
MAFIA seminars for the second half of November
We invite everyone to the following pair of seminars by KM guests, which take place in T212 (Trojanova 13).
1) November 19, 12:00-13:00: Yifan Zhang (University of Ostrava)-Optimization of Robin Laplacian eigenvalue with indefinite weight in spherical shell
2) November 26, 12:00-13:00: Alina Shalukhina (University Lisbon)-The Maximal Operator, the Variable L^{p(.)}, and the Bizarre Geometry of Spaces of Homogeneous Type
Remembrance of Prof. Karel Šafařík
It is with deep sadness to inform you that our dear colleague and friend Karel Safarik passed away on 7 October 2024.
NEW: Children's room at Břehová
In the building at Břehová 7, a children's room is now available for all parents of students and employees. It is located on the 4th floor and the key can be borrowed from the concierge. The room is fully furnished and equipped with toys, but the parents are responsible for looking after the children themselves.
You can follow the results of the ICHEP 2024 conference live
For all those who could not attend the landmark conference ICHEP 2024 (International Conference on High Energy Physics) in person, we offer the opportunity to connect online to the stream of the plenary sessions on July 22-24 and thus listen to the conclusions of the entire event. You can join HERE, or watch the YouTube channel of the ICHEP conference.