
The Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU in Prague offers Bachelor’s, Master's, and Doctoral Programmes preparing professionals for the nuclear industry, material scientists and chemical engineers, as well as experts in radiology, particle physics (e.g. closely collaborating with CERN), mathematical engineering (active in the banking sector, analysing and modelling stock prices), computer science (cooperating on the database system at CERN or working on mainframes), and many other fields.


Within the chosen programmes, students receive broad-ranging foundations in mathematics, physics and computer science. The Faculty is committed to developing students’ potential for solving interdisciplinary problems and, tries to involve students in scientific and research groups and teams as soon as possible, providing them with a good background for their further personal development.

The most significant advantage of the Faculty programmes is the possibility for students to transfer from one field of study to another during the first two years of study. (Applies to most of the fields.) This allows for recognizing what you aim at and what fields you would like to specialise in.

The Bachelor Programmes are three years long and can be attended only full-time. They are taught in English with a Bachelor's Project submitted also in English.

The Continuation Master Programmes extend the knowledge gained in the undergraduate programmes, with an emphasis on the development of each student’s professional character. Those programmes are two years long and are offered only full-time. However, it is highly desirable that FNSPE students spend a long-term study stay or internship at a university abroad as early as possible. The Faculty exerts maximum effort to help them. Short-term internships or presentations at international conferences are almost commonplace. Many future graduates are often offered positions with the institution they were affiliated with while working on their master’s thesis.

Students in the Doctoral programmes may study full-time or in a combined form. It is also possible to be on a cooperative joint-degree programme, combining study in the Czech Republic with study at a partner university abroad and be awarded a double degree.

We offer the Intensive Czech Language Course. the course covers the system of Czech grammar, relevant vocabulary, phrases, and syntax. The textbook used “Chcete mluvit česky” (Do you want to speak Czech) is bilingual and is supplemented with additional teaching materials. The course is taught 22h per week for 10 months. The course also includes English (2 periods per week), maths (2 periods), and physics (2 periods) and visits to interesting facilities of the Faculty (the nuclear reactor, tokamak, laser laboratories). After completing this course you will be able to study in Czech with no tuition and in all Czech programmes.

CTU also offers Psychological counselling for foreign students. Psychological counselling is intended for all non-Czech-speaking CTU students. We provide help through emotional, personal, relationship, or academic situations. For more information visit CIPS – CTU Information and Consultancy Centre website.


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