Přihlaste se na sporty v zimním semestru a na lyžařské kurzy
Na webu ÚTVS ČVUT si můžete vybrat z nabídky z téměř padesáti sportů a sportovních aktivit, kterou jsme pro vás připravili. V hodinách máte jedinečnou příležitost seznámit se s novými spolužáky, vyzkoušet si sporty, které jste nikdy nehráli, nebo si naplno užít své oblíbené disciplíny. Můžete se přihlašovat také na zimní výcvikové kurzy v Česku i v zahraničí, tak neváhejte!
INVITATION: Quantum group seminar on July 30
You are invited to attend the Quantum Group seminar on Tuesday, July 30 at 2:45 p.m. in Room B-111. The speakers will be:
- Karimjon K. Sabirov (Turin Polytechnic University Tashkent): Dirac particles on periodic quantum graphs
- Saparboy Rakhmanov (Chirchik State Pedagogical University): Quantum dynamics of a particle in PT-symmetric time dependent box
You can follow the results of the ICHEP 2024 conference live
For all those who could not attend the landmark conference ICHEP 2024 (International Conference on High Energy Physics) in person, we offer the opportunity to connect online to the stream of the plenary sessions on July 22-24 and thus listen to the conclusions of the entire event. You can join HERE, or watch the YouTube channel of the ICHEP conference.
Mandatory password change
Dear colleagues, dear students. Please pay attention to the Rector's order to change passwords. Please follow these instructions. Passwords must be changed no later than 28 July for employees (1 August for students).
We have acquired a new nuclear reactor simulator APR1000 from Korean partners
This week, experts from the Department of Nuclear Reactors of the FNSPE, CTU took over a new device from the Korean company KHNP – an APR1000 reactor simulator designed by the firm for the Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant. CTU acquired a powerful and realistic model for teaching reactor physics as part of extensive scientific and educational cooperation between CTU and Korean partners from nuclear companies, scientific institutes and educational institutions. The simulator from KHNP will be used not only by students of the Department of Nuclear Reactors, but they will also include activities on the simulator in educational courses organized by the Department.
MAFIA seminar: Christian Stelzer-Landauer
We invite everyone to an MAFIA seminar in an unusual time, date and place – Thursday, June 20 from 12:00 in room T301 (building in Trojanova Street, after the main staircase to the 3rd floor). Christian Stelzer-Landauer from TU Graz will speak with the paper "Approximation of Dirac operators with delta-shell potentials: Explicit conditions, counterexamples and semi-local potentials". We are looking forward to you!