
Field abbreviation: FE

Field code: 3901R063

Course duration: 3 years

Field specialization: -

Course characteristics

The bachelor´s degree course in Physical Electronics is multi-disciplinary and comprises classical and modern parts of physics, mathematics, and informatics. It guides the students to how to use physical methods in natural sciences and engineering practice, often supported by modern computer technologies. Physics courses cover mechanics, electricity and magnetism, waves and optics, thermodynamics, theoretical physics, and experimental physics, including physics practicals. Mathematics courses concentrate on mathematical analysis, algebra, numerical methods, mathematical physics equations, and mathematical statistics. Informatics courses broaden and develop computer skills, provide basic knowledge of programming and use of the internet. Within the module of compulsory (specialised) courses in the last year of the bachelor’s course, students study e.g. lasers, optics, optoelectronics, nanostructures and, according to their choosing, electronics, microprocessors, or plasma physics, laser technology and optics.

Graduate's profile

Knowledge: The students gain knowledge of basic informatics, and disciplines of mathematics and physics, furthered (depending on their specialisation) by lectures in optics, laser and optical technologies, metrology, and nanotechnologies. The knowledge gained becomes a solid foundation for the bachelor students´ orientation in the most important issues of the field and is a good basis for their careers in science or development. Successful graduates can directly apply for admission to a master’s course in the same or related field.

Skills: The graduates will have mastered the skills for using the techniques and procedures of the basic areas of mathematics and physics in solving engineering problems of these disciplines with the support of modern computer technology. They are also qualified to prepare and perform physical measurements and analyse the results obtained.

Competency: The bachelor graduates in Physical Electronics are highly sought after mainly in industry, research, and the private sector, because they were trained to use modern information technologies, highly analytical methods of work and a systematic approach to solving problems. They can assume positions in scientific, development or innovative institutions, laboratories, testing facilities, and companies concerned with metrology or applied optics.

State final examination

  • Applied physics - compulsory subject
  • Basics of optics and optoelectronics - elective subject
  • Lasers - elective subject

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Department of Physical Electronics


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