
Field abbreviation: IF

Field code: 3901R065

Course duration: 3 years

Field specialisation: -

Course characteristics

The bachelor's degree course in Computational Physics is multi-disciplinary and contains classical and modern parts of physics, mathematics, and informatics. The course guides the students towards the use of IT methods in physics combined with the use of computational technologies. The study of Computational Physics covers many areas of physics and computer science, emphasising a thorough knowledge of the applicability of computational methods and systems in modern physics. Physics courses comprise mechanics, electricity and magnetism, waves and optics, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, plasma physics, theoretical physics, and experimental physics, including physics practicals. Mathematics courses cover physics equations and mathematical statistics. Informatics courses broaden and develop computer, programming, and internet skills, and explain the basic methods of computational physics.

Graduate's profile

Knowledge: Students become acquainted with fundamental areas of physics, mathematics, and IT in relation to computational physics and informatics. Successful graduates can directly apply for admission to a master’s degree course in the same or related field.

Skills: The graduates are skilled in using the methods and procedures of the relevant areas of physics, mathematics, and informatics they were trained in for solving engineering problems via modern computer techniques.

Competency: The use of highly analytical methods of work and systemic approach to solving problems via modern information technologies make graduates in Computational Physics highly qualified for positions in laboratories, scientific and development departments of companies.

State final examination

  • Basics of applied physics - compulsory subject
  • Basics of numerical methods - elective subject
  • Basics of plasma physics - elective subject

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Department of Physical Electronics


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