
Field abbreviation: IPL

Field code: 3901R066

Course duration: 3 years

Field specialisation: -

Course characteristics

Study of Solid State Engineering has a multi-disciplinary form and contains classic and modern parts of physics, mathematics and informatics with emphasis on the problems of the condensed phase physics. It leads the graduates into usage of physical methods in natural sciences and engineering practice, often by using the modern computer technologies. Physical subjects are often devoted to mechanics, electricity and magnetism, waves and optics, thermodynamics, theoretical physics and experimental physics including physical practical courses. Mathematical subjects contain parts of mathematical analysis, algebra, numerical methods, mathematical physics equations and mathematical statistics. Informatics subjects provide basic computer skills, and basic knowledge of the use of internet. Basic mathematical and physical courses in the first two years of study are followed by special lectures and engineering applications of (i) basic phenomena in condensed matter physics, (ii) characterisation of structure of solid materials and its relation to electrical, magnetic and optical properties and (iii) basic functions and design of electronic components used in physical experiments.

Graduate's profile

Knowledge: Graduates gain knowledge in fundamental disciplines related to physics, mathematics and IT expanded into the field of the most important experimental methods and theoretical models of the latest condensed phase physics. The gained knowledge forms a solid foundation for bachelor orientation in the most important issues of the field and are a good basis for his/her own scientific or development activities. The graduates can directly continue in master’s study in the same or related field.

Skills: Use of basic mathematical methods and procedures, general physics and condensed phase physics for solving of real engineering problems. Ability to prepare and implement physical measurements and analysis of obtained results.

Competences: The graduates can find jobs at the bachelor level in the industry, research and private sector. The graduate can use gained knowledge in further specialised physical study, or directly apply in practice in research, development and innovation institutions, laboratories or companies dealing with problems related to physical properties of condensed matter and their practical use.

State final examination

  • Basics of condensed matter physics - compulsory subject
  • Structure of solid materials - elective subject
  • Application of groups in solid state physics - elective subject
  • Analogue and microprocessor electronics - elective subject

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Department of Solid State Engineering

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