
Course abbreviation: JI
Course code: 3901R016
Course duration: 3 years

Degree Course Characteristics

Jaderne inzenyrstvi THNJ3 03 2Dreseni The field Nuclear Engineering is focused on technical and natural sciences applications of nuclear sciences, especially nuclear and reactor physics, related to usage of nuclear energy, radioactive materials and ionizing radiation in industry. It is important for operation, nuclear and radiation safety of nuclear power plants and environmental protection. The course contains physical subjects - mechanics, electricity and magnetism, waves and optics, thermodynamics, theoretical physics and experimental physics together with physical practical course. It also contains mathematical subjects with parts of mathematical analysis, algebra, numerical methods, mathematical physics equations and mathematical statistics. Informatics (IT) subjects create basic computer skills, and basic knowledge of the use of internet. Specialised subjects are oriented towards theory and construction of nuclear reactors, relevant parts of chemistry, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and theory of regulations and nuclear engineering. By selection of appropriate subjects the student can focus on practical skills to get a job after graduation, or to gain deeper general theoretical foundations required for follow-up studies of nuclear engineering (or related fields) in master’s study course.

Graduate's Profile

Jaderne inzenyrstvi Bc 02 Knowledge:
Our graduate will achieve knowledge in elemental physical, mathematical and information disciplines that are deepened in the field of nuclear technologies, nuclear energy and ionizing radiation protection. The graduates can directly continue in master’s study in the same or related field.

Usage of methodologies and procedures on nuclear engineering for solution of real issues of nuclear energy and interaction with ionizing radiation.

The graduates from the bachelor’s study are in demand mainly in industry, research and private sector, since they use highly analytical methods of work and systematic approach due to acquired knowledge and skills to work with modern information technologies. They can work in nuclear industry and nuclear research institutions. Simultaneously, they have also good prerequisites for studying nuclear engineering or related disciplines in master’s study courses.

State Final Examination

  • Basics of Reactor Physics - compulsory part of examination
  • Thermohydraulics of nuclear reactors - optional part of examination
  • Basics of nuclear facilities engineering - optional part of examination

 Jaderne inzenyrstvi Bc 03 vetsi




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Department of Nuclear Reactors


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