
Field abbreviation: IF

Field code: 3901T065

Course duration: 2 years

Field specialisation: -

Course characteristics

Study of Computational Physics has a multi-disciplinary form at a boundary of modern parts of physics, mathematics and informatics. This branch leads the students to use their knowledge from these field in physical and engineering practice with emphasis to use modern information technologies and methods.

Individual subjects of this field are devoted to deeper education in the fields of computational physics, numerical methods for solving physical problems and selected fields of modern applied physics and informatics. The studies include individual student projects carried out independently by the student on a given topic. The projects equip the student with a firmer grasp of the field and often yield in original results publishable in scientific magazines.

Graduate's profile

Knowledge: Graduate of the field Computational Physics will be an expert with equivalent education in the physical fundamentals of high-end technologies and in computer science with an emphasis on the ability to effectively apply its innovative products in the physical and engineering research, technology transfer, within expertises focused on physical and technical fields, in knowledge engineering, etc.

Skills: Perfect mastery of computer technology and practical experience with software for modern applications of informatics in physical science and engineering fields. In addition to the specialised skills gained during the course, computational physics graduates will also gain other typical skills such as adaptability, a quick grasp of new interdisciplinary problems, problem analysis and its corresponding computer processing.

Competences: The graduates are in demand mainly in industry, research and private sector, since they use highly analytical methods of work and systematic approach due to acquired knowledge and skills to work with modern information technologies. They can find positions at institutes of the Academy of Science, in research and development centres of large enterprises or other research institutes. Besides professional competence, graduates have also abilities to succeed in leadership positions.

State final examination

  • Methods of computer physics - compulsory subject
  • Numerical methods - compulsory subject
  • Artificial intelligence - elective subject
  • Plasma physics - elective subject
  • Electrodynamics - elective subject

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