
Field abbreviation: IPL

Field code: 3901T066

Course duration: 2 years

Field specialisation: -

Course characteristics

The master´s degree course in Solid State Engineering is oriented towards advanced topics of condensed matter physics. It offers knowledge of the physical essence of condensed matter and theoretical description and interpretation of unique phenomena and properties in terms of the internal structure of solids. It also acquaints students with the principals of experimental techniques and with an overview of technical applications in researching the above phenomena and properties.

The students are trained to use up-to-date computer technology and computer simulations to address issues in engineering and natural sciences. The course curriculum includes specialised laboratory training and independent student projects on a topic of their own choosing. These projects help students to orient themselves in the issue and often provide challenging results publishable in scientific journals or applicable to the development of new engineering technologies.

Graduate's profile

Knowledge: The students acquire wide knowledge of the physics of condensed matter, of the theory and interpretation of special phenomena and of properties arising from the diversity of the internal structure of condensed matter. They familiarise themselves with the theory and implementation of major experimental methods used in research into condensed matter physics, as well as with the basic methods of computer modelling of condensed matter. Students focus on important contemporary as well as interdisciplinary engineering applications related to the above issues.

Skills: Graduates can understand and analyse physical and engineering problems within their field, formulate and solve new problems, and creatively apply the solutions in engineering, research, and scientific problems.

In addition to the specialised skills gained during the course, Solid State Engineering graduates also gain professional skills such as adaptability, aquick grasp of unfamiliar interdisciplinary problems, skills required for problem analysis and its corresponding computer processing, analysis, and synthesis. Good writing skills are a matter of course. Students are also trained to develop asense of responsibility in decision making.

Competency: These master graduates can seek positions in industry, research, and the private sector, and their capabilities in using highly analytical methods of work and systematic approach to solving problems using modern information technologies are consequently highly appreciated. They are competent to assume positions in all academic, research, and industrial facilities utilising knowledge of condensed matter physics, physics of thin films and low-dimensional systems, microelectronics, sensorics, photovoltaics, low-temperature physics, superconductivity, applied photonics, and telecommunications, as well as in specialised laboratories and research laboratories using techniques of optical spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, measurements and computer simulations of materials and, of course, in laboratories of fundamental research.

State final examination

  • Theory of solid materials - compulsory subject
  • Physics of solid materials - compulsory subject
  • Structure and properties of crystals - elective subject
  • Physics of low temperatures and supra-conductivity - elective subject
  • Semiconductor materials and parts - elective subject

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Department of Solid State Engineering

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