
Field abbreviation: LTE

Field code: 3901T070

Course duration: 2 years

Field specialisation: -

Course characteristics

The master´s degree course in Laser Technology and Electronics is oriented towards advanced topics of physical electronics, laser technology, optics, and laser electronics. In their work, the graduates can capitalise on the knowledge of natural sciences and engineering and modern information technology.

The courses as such provide training in sciences extending the knowledge of electronics and laser technology and offer an insight into their state-of-the-art. The degree course also includes specialised laboratory courses and independent student projects on a topic chosen by the student. The project gives the students a good opportunity to immerse themselves in the field studied, and often the project results are worth publishing in scientific journals.

The students are also educated to understand and fully grasp the nature of physical phenomena occurring during generation and applications of laser radiation. They also acquire detailed know-how of the design and construction of various types of up-to-date laser systems, of characterisation of the generated radiation, and an understanding of the interaction of laser radiation with matter. And, also, they learn to understand and design special electronic systems used in laser technology.

Graduate's profile

Knowledge: The graduate will have acquired a broad knowledge of a spectrum of disciplines of advanced laser physics and is able to apply it in their research project and master thesis.

Skills: The graduate will have acquired skills to creatively use methods and techniques basic to physics for solving problems in engineering, research and scientific practice. In addition to these specialised skills, emphasis is also placed on training intended to develop habits and skills of adaptability, a quick grasp of unfamiliar interdisciplinary problems, problem analysis, and subsequent computer processing and synthesis. The graduates are also given an opportunity to exercise responsibility in decision making and taking the initiative.

Competency: Excellent competency in using advanced analytical methods of work, a systematic approach to solving problems, and skilled use of modern information technology qualifies the graduates for (leading) positions in e.g. the institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences, in research and development centres of large companies, or in other research facilities (e.g. ELI and HiLASE) developing laser systems, using laser radiation in medicine, nuclear fusion, optoelectronics, in the military, etc.

State final examination

  • Quantum electronics and lasers - compulsory subject
  • Electrodynamics - compulsory subject
  • Laser technology - elective subject
  • Electronics - elective subject
  • Non-linear optics - elective subject
  • Optics - elective subject

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Department of Physical Electronics

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