
Field abbreviation: DAIZ

Field code: 3901T060

Course duration: 2 years

Field specialisation: -

Course characteristics

The master´s degree course in Dosimetry and Applications of Ionizing Radiation is oriented towards engineering, natural sciences, and other applications of nuclear sciences using nuclear energy, radioactive substances, and ionizing radiation in science, industry, and biology. The course trains personnel in nuclear and radiation safety of nuclear power plants and in environmental protection and builds on the previous degree programme. Therefore, the course is focused on extending the scope of the students´ knowledge in the relevant fields and provides further insight into the state-of-the-art of the field. The course includes specialised laboratory practicals and independent student projects on a chosen topic. Every student thus acquires good writing and presentation skills, and the project results are often accepted for publication in scientific journals. The course lectures provide information on radiation and its interaction with matter, radiation detection methods, personal dosimetry, environmental dosimetry, dosimetry of nuclear facilities, radiation metrology, and spectroscopy. In addition, considerable attention is paid to computational methods enabling monitoring interactions of radiation with matter and evaluation of biological effects of radiation based on the determination of relevant dosimetric quantities.

Graduate's profile

Knowledge: The graduates will have mastered advanced nuclear physics disciplines and the theory, nature, characteristics, and use of ionizing radiation.

Skills: The graduates are skilled in methods and techniques of applied nuclear physics with a view to solving real engineering, research and scientific problems. In addition, they will have gained professional skills, i.e. of quick problem analysis and subsequent computer processing, and the synthesis of results. They will also have developed a sense of responsibility at work and at decision-making. Good writing skills are a matter of course.

Competency: The graduates can seek employment in industry, research institutes, the private sector, and wherever ionizing radiation and radionuclides are used, especially in nuclear engineering, radioecology, radiation hygiene, health care and in the institutes of Czech Academy of Sciences. Their capabilities to use analytical thinking and a systematic approach to solving problems, based on the knowledge and skills acquired, make them highly sought after for leading positions.

State final examination

  • Physical metallurgy - compulsory subject
  • Applied mechanics - compulsory subject
  • Fracture mechanics and damage processes - compulsory subject

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Department of Dosimetry and Application of Ionizing Radiation


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