
Field abbreviation: JI

Field code: 3901T016

Course duration: 2 years

Field specialisation: -

Course characteristics

Students of the master´s degree course in Nuclear Engineering are prepared for both theoretical and experimental work in reactor physics and nuclear power engineering. This training is important for nuclear and radiation safety of nuclear power plants and environmental protection. This degree course is strongly oriented towards engineering practice. The courses are focused on furthering the knowledge gained in the lower course and provide a deep insight into the state-of-the-art developments. The curriculum comprises specialized laboratory courses and independent student projects on a topic of student´s own choice. These projects enable each student to acquire excellent orientation within the given topic and they usually result in original findings publishable in scientific journals.

In degree course contains courses in the theory and construction of nuclear reactors, reactor physics, nuclear safety, fuel cycle, reactor electrotechnics, control of nuclear power plants, and experimental reactor physics.

Graduate profile

Knowledge: Graduates will have gained a broad knowledge of advanced disciplines of neutron physics and thermohydraulics focused on the theoretical, design and operational aspects of nuclear reactors. Moreover, they will have obtained engineering knowledge of the construction and operation of nuclear facilities.

Skills: The skills acquired include the use of methods and techniques of applied physics for solving real-life engineering, research and scientific problems. In addition to the specialized skills gained during the course, nuclear engineering graduates will have also gained professional skills such as adaptability, a quick grasp of unfamiliar interdisciplinary problems, problem analysis and its corresponding computer processing, synthesis and good writing skills. They will have also developed a sense of responsibility at work and in decision making.

Competences: Graduates will find positions in the nuclear industry, research and power engineering. At work, they will be able to use analytical thinking and a systematic approach based on acquired knowledge and skills in advanced computer technology. They can find positions at nuclear power plants, and other nuclear facilities, in research and development centers of large enterprises or other research institutes.

State final examination

  • Reactor physics - compulsory subject
  • Nuclear engineering- compulsory subject
  • Advanced reactor physics - elective subject
  • Thermomechanics, dynamics and reactor control - elective subject
  • Nuclear safety and reliability - elective subject

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Department of Nuclear Reactors


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