
Field abbreviation: RF

Field code: 3901T034

Course duration: 2 years

Field specialisation: -

Course characteristics

The master´s degree course in Radiological Physics was accredited as the first course of its kind in the Czech Republic on 15th of December 2005, offering a medical programme according to Act 96/2004 Coll. on non-medical support staff. A similar bachelor´s degree course stresses engineering, here the graduate´s competences lie in radiological physics, namely in the competence to perform the profession of radiological physicist. Education is based on the original curriculum prepared for the former degree course in Radiological Physics in Medicine. However, the adapted curriculum has been complemented by several professional and medical subjects and extended to include on-the-job experience and training in medical centres. The degree course centres around applications of ionizing radiation and radionuclides in radiodiagnostics, radiotherapy, and nuclear medicine and is designed so provide knowledge of basic mathematics, physics and informatics, and a more profound knowledge of nuclear physics, physics of ionizing radiation, detection and dosimetry of ionizing radiation with a view to health care. The students also familiarise themselves in detail with the use of ionizing radiation for diagnostic and therapeutic in health care, the physical and technological principles of modern imaging techniques in medicine and advanced radiotherapy using radionuclides, radionuclide irradiators, linear accelerators and other specific radiotherapy equipment. Moreover, due to the course orientation towards health care, medical disciplines such as anatomy, physiology, human body biology, biochemistry and pharmacology are also part of the course.

Close contact with the latest trends in the field is assured by research for the master’s thesis done in cooperation with outstanding institutions in the Czech Republic. Graduates also get a broad overview in the principles of legislation related to radiation protection and handling and operating ionising radiation sources in terms of human health. The course work places emphasis on independence in tackling problems and quick adaptability to arising problems. The graduates are ready to apply for positions of radiological physicists in departments of radiology, nuclear medicine, and radiotherapy or in the departments of medical physics and/or radiation protection in hospitals. They closely collaborate with the medical staff and health professionals in administering diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, namely in the physical and technical aspects. The course programme trains students for positions focusing on nuclear safety and radiation protection.

An integral part of the degree course is also professional visits to health care institutions and on-the-job experience, introducing students to the responsibilities of radiological physicists. After passing practice at health clinics and follow-up further non-degree training the graduates acquire the professional status of radiological physicists in radiodiagnostics, nuclear medicine, or radiotherapy.

The course programme is designed in accordance with and complies with the standards and recommendations of the European organisations of medical physics.

State final examination

  • Radiological physics - compulsory subject
  • Radiation protection during medical irradiation - compulsory subject
  • Basic medical subjects - compulsory subject
  • Clinical dosimetry - elective subject
  • Biological effects of ionizing radiation - elective subject
  • Computational methods in radiological physics - elective subject

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Department of Dosimetry and Application of Ionizing Radiation


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