
Course duration: 5 years

Expected to open by 2020/2021

Course characteritsics

Decommissioning of Nuclear Installations is an interdisciplinary programme focused on attaining a practical mastery of a wide spectrum of skills. The core of the course is based on three fields, namely physics of ionizing radiation, chemistry, and physics of nuclear reactors.

The programme has a mathematico-physical foundation and students will also become familiar with physics of ionizing radiation and thus nuclear physics, dosimetry, and radiobiology. Courses based on chemistry will cover nuclear waste processing, applications of neutrons, and ecology. Moreover, students will learn about the operation of nuclear power plants, study theoretical and experimental physics of nuclear reactors and fuel elements.

Moreover, lectures on statistics and Monte Carlo simulations, visits to scientific institutions, and measurements and experiments performed in the laboratory and in the field constitute integral parts of the course.

Graduate's profile

Due to the high standard of knowledge of mathematics, nuclear physics, and chemistry graduates in this prestigious field will have acquired the ability to think analytically and independently and a wide range of skills applicable in practice.

The innovative interdisciplinary methods of instruction will provide graduates with competences useful in the sequence of decommissioning activities in nuclear installations, in processes of radiation waste management, in designing and implementing projects on nuclear waste repositories, and in performing demanding safety analyses.

Also, with adequate knowledge of atomic energy legislation the graduate will be able to seek a career in government and professional institutions.

The course is of interdisciplinary interdepartmental character, and thus students can become acquainted with various professional issues of the departments, take part in professional discussions with experts from relevant fields, and also join study trips and visits at home and abroad. The qualifications gained will have prepared them for careers in fields such as ecology, radiobiology, power engineering, etc.

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Department of Dosimetry and Application of Ionizing Radiation
Department of Nuclear Reactors
Department of Nuclear Chemistry

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