
Course duration: 5 years

Expected to open by 2020/2021

Course characteristics

The programme is oriented towards interdisciplinary issues in applications of quantum physics, currently no longer mere theoretical concepts because their applications are already utilized in a wide spectrum of fields, as e.g. laser physics or solid state physics. Of no less importance for future applications is the development of new theoretical and technological concepts specific to this unique field.

The first year and second year curricula comprise mathematics and physics courses, a reliable foundation for developing students´ knowledge. Based on them, students´ attention is first centred on fundamental knowledge of theoretical classical and quantum physics and further on the theory of quantum information, quantum optics and electronics, statistical physics, and solid state physics . Theoretical courses are supplemented with measurements of classical and quantum phenomena performed in specialized laboratories.

Within the study programme students are incorporated into international research teams of partner institutions – i.e research institutes and universities – where they take part in and complete study stays and internships.

Graduate's profile

Based on the courses on general mathematics and physics, graduates in this interdisciplinary field will have acquired an analytical and critical way of thinking essential for academic and business careers.

Also, the wide range of specialised courses will have prepared the graduates to face the development of new theoretical and application concepts in quantum technologies seen as multidisciplinary issues.

The unique extent of knowledge acquired will help the graduates to assert themselves to do research in physics, mathematics, or information technologies as scientists both in prestigious scientific institutions or in commercial institutions developing new technologies.

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