
Offer of topics for doctoral dissertations of High Temperature Plasma Physics and Thermonuclear Fusion study programme (April 2024).

Topic 1: Novel methods of plasma position control in the GOLEM tokamak using Kalman filters (Ing. Vojtěch Svoboda, CSc.) 

Topic 2: Fast measurements of the tokamak GOLEM plasma edge usin Ball pen probes (Ing. Vojtěch Svoboda, CSc.) 

Topic 3: Development of new kinetic models for studying nonlinear impurity transport in the Tokamak Scrape-off layer. (Dr. David Tskhakaya) 

Topic 4: Development of momentum and energy conserving PIC code with nonuniform 2D and 3D Cartesian grids tokamak (Dr. David Tskhakaya) 

Topic 5: Microwave interferometry for the linear magnetic trap (Dr. Jana Brotankova, Ph.D.) 

Topic 6: Interaction of laser with plasma for the inertial fusion confinement (prof. Ondřej Klimo, Ph.D.) 

Topic 7: Theorerical research on interaction of ultra-intense laser beams (prof. Ondřej Klimo, Ph.D.)

Topic 8: Interaction of fast ions with MHD instabiliies (Dr. Fabien Jaulmes) - candidate pre-selected

Topic 9: Improved integrated modelling of particle transport around the separatrix (Dr. Fabien Jaulmes)

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