
Regular elections to the AS FNSPE CTU and AS CTU

Elections to the Academic Senate of FNSPE and the Academic Senate of CTU for the term 2023-2025 will take place from 21 November 2022 to 23 November 2022.

Elections to both AS will be held in parallel throughout the period in electronic form.

All students of FNSPE and academic staff of FNSPE are members of the academic community with the right to vote. The list of eligible voters will be published on 8 November 2022.

The following are links to the full text of the announcement of the elections and the election regulations for the AS FNSPE and AS CTU.

Lists of eligible voters: students and academic workers

Important dates:

15 November 2022 (until 14.00)   Deadline for accepting candidates (at the FNSPE Dean's Secretariat)
15 November 2022 Publication of the list of candidates
21-23 November 2022 Elections to the Academic Senates

Number of elected senators

to the AS CTU:

    • 3 representatives in the academic staff constituency
    • 2 representatives in the constituency of students


    • 11 representatives in the constituency of academic staff
    • 6 representatives in the constituency of students studying in Prague
    • 1 representative in the constituency of students studying in Prague

For candidates:

By-elections to the AS CTU for the constituency Students of FNSPE

On 26 October 2022, by-elections to the Academic Senate of the CTU for the 2020-2022 term will take place.

Number of elected senators to the AS CTU:

  • 2 representatives in the student constituency

Voting application (accessible only to voters).

20 October 2022 (until 14.00)   Deadline for accepting candidates (at the FNSPE Dean's Secretariat)
21 October 2022  Publication of the list of candidates
26 October 2022  By-elections to the AS CTU

List of voters undergraduate students - Prague, undergraduate students - Decin, PGS students.

The list of candidates:

  • Ing. Jakub Kořenek
  • Ing. Lukáš Novotný
  • Bc. Štěpán Tichý


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