We would like to invite you to an another inspiring lecture named "Quantum-assisted optical interferometry and other quantum applications of fast single photon sensitive imaging". Professor Andrei Nomerotski form Stony Brook University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, USA, will tell you a lot of new information about this topic. The lecture will be held in a room B-103 at Brehova 7 FNSPE building.
Abstract of a lecture:
The highest resolutions in astronomical imaging are achieved through interferometry, the process of combining wave information from multiple separate telescopes. I will review the standard techniques of single-photon amplitude (Michelson) interferometry and two-photon (Hanbury Brown & Twiss) intensity interferometry, and then visit recent ideas for how they can be improved in the optical through the use of quantum networking and entanglement distribution with major impact on astrophysics and cosmology. A proposed new technique of two-photon amplitude interferometry requires spectral binning and picosecond time-stamping of single photons with a product of resolutions close to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle limit. I will report on the first bench-top results of such fast spectrometers along with future improvements for the detector systems and quantum methods. I will also review other applications of similar imaging detectors in quantum optics, quantum information science, material and life sciences.