
The organizers of the 16th International Conference on Local Mechanical Properties (LMP 2024) would like to thank all the participants, speakers, and exhibitors for their contributions. We also greatly appreciate the support of the sponsors of the event and the MecaNano Action. The event took place from May 29 to 31, 2024 at the premises of the FNSPE CTU in Prague.

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85 participants from 12 countries gathered at the conference. The conference program included 45 oral presentations in 10 sections and 21 posters. The winner of the competition for the best LMP2024 poster was Matej Kubiš with the poster "Nanoindentation analysis of high fluence helium ion irradiated Eurofer 97 and ODS Eurofer steels". Congratulations!

Based on a long tradition and the success of previous years, LMP has become a recognized forum in the field of material characterization at the microscopic level. At the conference, the latest results of research and development were presented and discussed in the field of materials engineering, experimental methods and modeling with the aim of characterizing the mechanical properties of materials from the nano to the micro/meso scale.

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Along with the conference, a workshop for members of the MecaNano Action, financed by the COST agency from EU funds, was held on the first day.

The invited speakers included, for example, Dr. Marc Legros (CEMES-CNRS) and prof. Benoit Merle (University of Kassel), who are recognized experts in the field of nano/micromechanical testing of materials.

The next LMP conference will be organized by the Institute of Materials Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in May 2026.

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