Czech TV News and the Science Plus program on Czech Radio broadcast reports on the launch of the Charleston program at Charles University, where our scientist and medical physicist Petra Trnková is a member of the steering committee. The aim of the program is to attract young and promising scientists with international experience to the Czech Republic. Half of the 120 million Czech crowns invested in the program will be provided by Charles University, the other half by EU funds.
Young scientists with international experience can conduct their own research thanks to financial support. International experience (study, intern etc.) is a requirement, and therefore there is also money for relocating families.
International experience advances science, without it, it is difficult to conduct top-notch research. Petra Trnková, head of the research group at FNSPE, is exactly the type of scientist the program targets.
“When you join a new institute, you receive new information and discover new directions that start to interest you. Thus, you can shape your scientific career and engage in new topics,” said Petra Trnková to Czech Radio, who gained experience in radiation oncology in Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and also at Harvard University in the USA.
The call opens in March, and the committee should select the first ten young scientists in the fall.
For more detailed information about the call, click HERE.