Nuclear Engineering - Nuclear and Particle Physics - thesis topics
The main general research topics studied in the area "Nuclear and Particle Physics" of our doctorate are listed below, along with the names of the contact persons. The list of currently available topics can be found here. If you are interested in a topic not listed below, please contac prof. Contreras
Experimental high-energy physics
Analysis of ALICE data
Correlations and flow - Ing. Katarína Křížková Gajdošová, Ph.D.
Heavy flavours - doc. Mgr. Jaroslav Bielčík, Ph.D.
Jet physics - doc. RNDr. Jana Bielčíková, Ph.D., RNDr. Filip Křížek, Ph.D.
Photoproduction and diffraction - prof. Guillermo Contreras, Mgr. Michal Brož, Ph.D.
Analysis of ATLAS data
Jet production - Ing. Zdeněk Hubáček, Ph.D.
Analysis of FAIR data
Analysis of STAR data
Heavy flavours - doc. Mgr. Jaroslav Bielčík, Ph.D., Dr. Barbara Antonina Trzeciak, Ph.D.
Jet physics - doc. RNDr. Jana Bielčíková, Ph.D.
Photoproduction and diffraction - doc. Mgr. Jaroslav Bielčík, Ph.D., Ing. Jaroslav Adam, Ph.D.
Instrumentation for nuclear and high-energy physics
Plasma accelerators
Detectors for ALICE
Solangel Rojas Torres, Ph.D., prof. Guillermo Contreras
Detectors for FAIR
Detectors for EIC
Nuclear and high-energy physics phenomenology
Monte-Carlo generators of hadron scattering
High-energy limit of QCD
Phenomenology of relativistic heavy-ion collisions
Nuclear physics