
Experimental high-energy physics

  • Analysis of ALICE data

    1. Search for jet quenching in OO collisions measured by ALICE
      (Křížek Filip, RNDr., Ph.D.)
    2. Production of b jets in ALICE
      (Křížek Filip, RNDr., Ph.D.)
    3. Quantum-mechanics interference at the femto scale in photoproduction with ALICE
      (prof. Jesus Guillermo Contreras, Ph.D.)
    4. Exploring QCD at the highest energies in photoproduction  with ALICE
      (prof. Jesus Guillermo Contreras, Ph.D.)
    5. Measuring quantum fluctuations of the gluon field in photoproduction with ALICE
      (prof. Jesus Guillermo Contreras, Ph.D.)
  • Analysis of ATLAS data

    1. Jet production measurements at the ATLAS Experiment
      (Ing. Zdeněk Hubáček, Ph.D.)
  • Analysis of FAIR data

        No open topics available at this time.

  • Analysis of STAR data

    1. Study of jet substructure in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC
      (doc. RNDr. Jana Bielčíková, Ph.D.)
    2. Quarkonium production in STAR experiment
      (doc. Mgr. Jaroslav Bielčík, Ph.D. )
    3. Open heavy production in STAR experiment
      (doc. Mgr. Jaroslav Bielčík, Ph.D.)
    4. Optimization of physics program of ePIC  experiment
      (doc. Mgr. Jaroslav Bielčík, Ph.D.)
    5. Vector meson photoproduction in ultra-peripheral collisions at STAR experiment
      (Ing. Jaroslav Adam, Ph.D.)  

Instrumentation for nuclear and high-energy physics

  • Plasma accelerators

No open topics available at this time.
  • Detectors for ALICE

    1. Aging of plastic scintillators at the LHC
      (Solangel Rojas Torres, Ph.D)
    2. Optical fibre readout of plastic scintillators
      (Solangel Rojas Torres, Ph.D)
    3. Construction and characterization of plastic scintillators based on quantum dots
      (Solangel Rojas Torres, Ph.D)
    4. Design and construction of prototipes for the Muon Identification detector for ALICE-3
      (Solangel Rojas Torres, Ph.D)
  • Detectors for FAIR

    1. Performance study of Forward Spectator Detector (FSD) for CBM experiment
      (RNDr. Petr Chaloupka, Ph.D.)
  • Detectors for EIC

  1. Design studies for detectors at electron-going area at the EIC
    (Ing. Jaroslav Adam, Ph.D.)       

Nuclear and high-energy physics phenomenology

  • Monte-Carlo generators of hadron scattering

    1. Hadronization models in General-Purpose Monte Carlo generators.
      (Ing. Miroslav Myška, Ph.D.)
  • High-energy limit of QCD

    1. QCD evolution at small Bjorken-x
      (doc. Ing. Jan Čepila, Ph.D. )
    2. Prediction of diffractive processes for the EIC
      (doc. Ing. Jan Čepila, Ph.D.)
    3. The structure of hadrons at high energy
      (doc. Ing. Jan Čepila, Ph.D.)
    4. Path integral treatment of coherence effects in processes off nuclei
      (doc. RNDr. Ján Nemčík, CSc., Ing. Jaroslava Óbertová, Ph.D.)
    5. Reduced effects of quantum coherence in QCD evolution equations
      (doc. RNDr. Ján Nemčík, CSc., Ing. Jaroslava Óbertová, Ph.D.)
  • Phenomenology of relativistic heavy-ion collisions

    1. Transport modelling of heavy-ion collisions at RHIC Beam Energy Scan
      (Iurii Karpenko, Ph.D.)
    2. Interplay of jet and medium physics in heavy-ion collisions at the Large Hadron Collider
      (Iurii Karpenko, Ph.D.)
    3. Femtoscopy in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions
      Femtoskopie v ultrarelativistických srážkách těžkých iontů
      (prof. Dr. Boris Tomášik)
    4. High-pT particles as a probe of the medium created afted heavy-ion collisions
      (doc. RNDr. Ján Nemčík, CSc., Ing. Jaroslava Óbertová, Ph.D.)
    5. Heavy quarkonia in a hot medium: Lorentz-boosted description
      (doc. RNDr. Ján Nemčík, CSc., Ing. Jaroslava Óbertová, Ph.D.)
  • Nuclear physics

        No open topics available at this time.

  • Dark matter

    1. New detection concepts for the capture of the particle nature of dark matter
      Ing. Marek Matas, Ph.D.

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