JCF PhD topics
Experimental high-energy physics
Analysis of ALICE data
- Search for jet quenching in OO collisions measured by ALICE
(Křížek Filip, RNDr., Ph.D.) - Production of b jets in ALICE
(Křížek Filip, RNDr., Ph.D.) - Quantum-mechanics interference at the femto scale in photoproduction with ALICE
(prof. Jesus Guillermo Contreras, Ph.D.) - Exploring QCD at the highest energies in photoproduction with ALICE
(prof. Jesus Guillermo Contreras, Ph.D.) - Measuring quantum fluctuations of the gluon field in photoproduction with ALICE
(prof. Jesus Guillermo Contreras, Ph.D.)
Analysis of ATLAS data
- Jet production measurements at the ATLAS Experiment
(Ing. Zdeněk Hubáček, Ph.D.)
Analysis of FAIR data
No open topics available at this time.
Analysis of STAR data
- Study of jet substructure in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC
(doc. RNDr. Jana Bielčíková, Ph.D.) - Quarkonium production in STAR experiment
(doc. Mgr. Jaroslav Bielčík, Ph.D. ) - Open heavy production in STAR experiment
(doc. Mgr. Jaroslav Bielčík, Ph.D.) - Optimization of physics program of ePIC experiment
(doc. Mgr. Jaroslav Bielčík, Ph.D.) - Vector meson photoproduction in ultra-peripheral collisions at STAR experiment
(Ing. Jaroslav Adam, Ph.D.)
Instrumentation for nuclear and high-energy physics
Plasma accelerators
No open topics available at this time.
Detectors for ALICE
- Aging of plastic scintillators at the LHC
(Solangel Rojas Torres, Ph.D) - Optical fibre readout of plastic scintillators
(Solangel Rojas Torres, Ph.D) - Construction and characterization of plastic scintillators based on quantum dots
(Solangel Rojas Torres, Ph.D) - Design and construction of prototipes for the Muon Identification detector for ALICE-3
(Solangel Rojas Torres, Ph.D)
Detectors for FAIR
- Performance study of Forward Spectator Detector (FSD) for CBM experiment
(RNDr. Petr Chaloupka, Ph.D.)
Detectors for EIC
- Design studies for detectors at electron-going area at the EIC
(Ing. Jaroslav Adam, Ph.D.)
Nuclear and high-energy physics phenomenology
Monte-Carlo generators of hadron scattering
- Hadronization models in General-Purpose Monte Carlo generators.
(Ing. Miroslav Myška, Ph.D.)
High-energy limit of QCD
- QCD evolution at small Bjorken-x
(doc. Ing. Jan Čepila, Ph.D. ) - Prediction of diffractive processes for the EIC
(doc. Ing. Jan Čepila, Ph.D.) - The structure of hadrons at high energy
(doc. Ing. Jan Čepila, Ph.D.) - Path integral treatment of coherence effects in processes off nuclei
(doc. RNDr. Ján Nemčík, CSc., Ing. Jaroslava Óbertová, Ph.D.) - Reduced effects of quantum coherence in QCD evolution equations
(doc. RNDr. Ján Nemčík, CSc., Ing. Jaroslava Óbertová, Ph.D.)
Phenomenology of relativistic heavy-ion collisions
- Transport modelling of heavy-ion collisions at RHIC Beam Energy Scan
(Iurii Karpenko, Ph.D.) - Interplay of jet and medium physics in heavy-ion collisions at the Large Hadron Collider
(Iurii Karpenko, Ph.D.) - Femtoscopy in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions
Femtoskopie v ultrarelativistických srážkách těžkých iontů
(prof. Dr. Boris Tomášik) - High-pT particles as a probe of the medium created afted heavy-ion collisions
(doc. RNDr. Ján Nemčík, CSc., Ing. Jaroslava Óbertová, Ph.D.) - Heavy quarkonia in a hot medium: Lorentz-boosted description
(doc. RNDr. Ján Nemčík, CSc., Ing. Jaroslava Óbertová, Ph.D.)
Nuclear physics
No open topics available at this time.
Dark matter
- New detection concepts for the capture of the particle nature of dark matter
Ing. Marek Matas, Ph.D.
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