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International Admissions Aid


We are offering consultation and help with your admission procedure  regardless of where you currently are in the process.

Schedule an online meeting via email.


Mobile:               +420 771 258 848
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Prospective Students:

We offer information on study programmes, future employment and general information about the university and education in Czech Republic. In our meeting we can decide if our faculty is the right choice for you and help you with application.



We offer guidance through application and admission process as well as visa process for applicants. 


Collage Counsellors:

We offer comprehensive information and personal contact to ensure you can provide all correct information to your students. We are currently preparing additional support system for counsellors to provide all necessary information and provide continuous update of those information.

Přihlašovací jméno a heslo jsou stejné, jako do USERMAP (nebo KOS).

V případě ztráty nebo zapomenutí hesla či jména se obraťte na vašeho správce IT.