Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities
Course abbreviation: P_VJZPN
Course code: N0788A110001
Course duration: 2 years
Degree Course Characteristics
Decommissioning of nuclear installations is a complex interdisciplinary process and to link the disciplines and apply them is demanding as for intellectual, innovation, and engineering decisions to be made. To expedite such a process requires a high degree of professional expertise not only in nuclear installations, their structure and functions, but even in radioactive waste, chemistry, legislation, economy, planning, analyses, and safety. The knowledge required includes also radiation protection and new atomic legislation. Decommissioning is a process affecting not only nuclear installations, but also other workplaces which stopped using sources of ionizing radiation. Decommissioning is subject to the legislation in force.
The course structure of the Continuation Master Course comprises courses built upon the fundamental bachelor course knowledge of nuclear and reactor physics, nuclear chemistry, detection of radiation and dosimetry, and radiation protection. The general knowledge is extended by problems of the whole nuclear fuel cycle, construction materials, construction of nuclear facilities, expected type and level of contamination, decontamination procedures, and waste processing. The degree course programme includes also legislative, safety, economic, ecological and social aspects of the issue, because the aim of decommissioning a nuclear facility is to return the maximum amount of non-contaminated and safe material to the environment. Theory and practical classes go hand in hand: students attend laboratory sessions and computation seminars using modern codes. The programme offers also research trips to and on-site training in institutions using nuclear technology, and communication strategy classes, which are particularly important in this field for addressing the public. Some courses are taught by external specialists, e.g. from the State Office for Nuclear Safety (SÚJB), or those affiliated with companies or institutes already engaged in the decommissioning process.
This two-year Continuation Master Course will suit perfectly graduates who successfully completed the bachelor course in Decommissioning Nuclear Installations (to be opened ) at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering. The aim of the two-year course is to educate highly qualified experts in decommissioning nuclear installations - including nuclear waste disposal. Graduates are eligible for posts in science, research, industry, and other jobs; nevertheless, they are also perfect candidates for PhD courses within the programme focused on Application of Natural Sciences in e.g. Nuclear Engineering or Nuclear Chemistry, or other doctoral courses on nuclear and engineering sciences.
Graduate´s Profile
Knowledge: Graduates mastered the professional knowledge of the property of materials, nuclear fuel cycle, construction and role of nuclear facilities, decontamination and radioactive waste disposal techniques. They understand the detection methods of ionizing radiation, and applications of the data measured, are able to create monitoring programmes, and other documents as required by the SÚJB legislation. Besides the technical professional knowledge, students develop orientation abilities in legal and economic matters and communication strategies. Seminars run by external experts are an important part of the programme, because students analyse case studies and are informed about the latest issues.
Graduates can quickly orient themselves in interdisciplinary issues, analyse problems and offer solutions, which is due to their complex interdisciplinary background. Mastery of the principles and role of computational programmes provide students with skills of effective data processing and of simulating the situations to be solved. A specialty skill is safe manipulation of sources of ionizing radiation, including unsealed sources as well as keeping up to date with the new field of industrial practice. Characteristic of graduates is also being responsible for the work done and decisions made.
Graduates´ competencies comprise analytical and professional way of thinking and a considerable variety of practical skills. Graduates are eligible for a variety of jobs in the decommissioning chain of nuclear facilities, in processes manipulating radioactive wastes, in carrying out projects on radioactive waste repositories, and performing difficult safety analyses. Understanding atomic legislation and competencies of the state administration in peaceful exploitation of nuclear energy offer graduates a favourable opportunity to apply for jobs in the state-administered professional institutions like the State Office for Nuclear Safety (SÚJB), Radioactive Waste Repository Authority (SÚRAO), National Radiation Protection Institute (SÚRO), and others. Graduates may enter either the labour market or continue their academic training in doctoral (PhD) programmes on nuclear and engineering sciences.
State Final Examination
- Decommissioning nuclear installations – compulsory part of examination
- Decontamination and manipulating radioactive wastes and spent nuclear fuel – compulsory part of examination
- Nuclear facilities – compulsory part of examination
Details on the examination and its parts are subject to valid legislation and internal regulations and rules and are available at Study Programmes and Regulations.
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Department of Nuclear Chemistry