
Course abbrevitation: P_MINFN
Course code: N0541A170032
Course duration: 2 years

Degree Course Characteristics

Matematicka informatika Ing 03 The dominant idea of the degree course is to link the parts of mathematics fundamental for the theoretical concept of informatics with the instruments and methods instrumental in following through the concept. The disciplines of mathematics include chapters from discrete mathematics, logic, advanced algebra and theory of numbers, theory of languages and automata, and matrix theory. The follow-up courses then build upon these mathematical foundations, namely image processing, neuron networks, and complexity theory. The theoretical background is supplemented by computer skills necessary for research and commercial projects. A considerable emphasis is given to engaging students in independent research projects.

Graduate´s Profile

Matematicka informatika Ing 04 Graduates will be equipped with the knowledge of various disciplines of mathematics with a view to mathematical structures and informatics. The courses offer students not only practical experience but also theoretical knowledge of modern programming and computer technology.

Graduates are skilled in analysing a problem, formalizing it mathematically and identifying the area of mathematics to be made use of to obtain a solution. They are able to create an algorithm to solve the problem, verify its correctness and determine its complexity. Graduates are able to submit and control a software project, handle big computational systems, networks, and databases, and work in teams. Depending on orientation, they are skilled in mathematical and applied informatics, management of big systems, and intensive and parallel computations. Moreover, graduates are very adaptible, orient themselves quite fast in interdisciplinary issues, have good communication skills, and are responsible for the work done and decisions made.

Graduates can be successful in industry and in the academic or private sector. The analytical way of thinking, systematic approach to tasks and competent use of up-to-date computer technology makes them ready for positions of software architects in big companies, designers and operators of computer clusters in research centres, and participants in analyses from various walks of life.

State Final Examination

  • Theory of graphs - compulsory part of examination
  • Theory of numbers – optional part of examination I
  • Image processing and object recognition – optional part of examination I
  • Algebra and its applications – optional part of examination II
  • Languages and automata – optional part of examination II

Details on the examination and its parts are subject to valid legislation and internal regulations and rules and are available at Study Programmes and Regulations.

Matematicka informatika Ing 01vetsi

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Department of Mathematics

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