Solid State Engineering
Course abbrevitation: P_IPLN
Course code: N0533A110039
Course duration: 2 years
Degree Course Characteristics
The course is oriented towards advanced topics of solid state physics and their applications in engineering practice and natural sciences. The aim of the course is to impart knowledge of the physical substance, theoretical description, and interpretation of various phenomena and properties following from the variety of the internal structure of solids, to explain the main methods of their experimental study and computer-based modelling, and to give an overview of the present-day and potential applications used for investigating these phenomena and properties, and to introduce the interdisciplinary relations. The course also comprises specialized laboratory training and independent student projects based on individually assigned topics, thanks to which graduates can get a better insight into the issue and use in practice their knowledge acquired throughout the course. These projects can often result in quite new findings publishable in professional periodicals or applicable to the development of new engineering technologies.
Graduate´s Profile
Knowledge: Graduates have gained a wide knowledge of the theory and properties of solids. They are acquainted with the theory and practical implementation of the main experimental methods applied to the study of solids and with the foundations of computational modelling of the structure and properties of solids. They also orient themselves in interdisciplinary applications of the structure of solids related to these issues.
Graduates can understand and creatively analyse the physical and engineering problems of their field of study, formulate and solve new issues and use the findings in practice in applying them to solutions of engineering, research and scientific problems. Besides specialized knowledge gained in the degree course, graduates´ specialist skills combine adaptability, quick orientation in new interdisciplinary issues, analysis of issues and their computational processing with synthesis of the results obtained and, moreover, with good writing skills and responsibility for the work done and decisions made.
Graduates are good candidates for jobs in industry, research, and the private sector, because their approach to issues is a combination of analysis and synthesis based on specialist knowledge, computer skills, and modern experimental techniques and technologies. Graduates´ expert knowledge makes them eligible for all academic and industrial posts concerned with research and development in fields making use of findings that relate to solids, e.g. in microelectronics, physics of surfaces, physics of thin layers, physics of low-dimensional systems, sensorics, imaging techniques, photovoltaics, physics of low temperatures and supraconductivity, and applied photonics and telecommunications. Graduates can also be employed in specialized development laboratories making use of spectroscopy techniques, X-ray and neutron diffraction, electric and magnetic measurements, or advanced computational simulations of the structure and properties of solids and or condensed matter. Their good mathematics background is a good recommendation for positions in management and finance and even for managerial posts.
State Final Examination
- Theory of solids – compulsory part of examination
- Physics of solids – compulsory part of examination
- Properties of solids – compulsory part of examination
Details on the examination and its parts are subject to valid legislation and internal regulations and rules and are available at Study Programmes and Regulations.
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Department of Solid State Engineering