
We would like to invite all colleagues to a lecture as part of an extraordinary colloquium aimed to reactor APR1000 and the History of Nuclear Technology Development in Korea. The lecture of professor Bum-Jin CHUNG, current President of the Korean Nuclear Society, will be held on Thursday, November 7 at 4:00 p.m. in the Břehová building, lecture hall no. 103 (1st floor). The colloquium includes a cultural programme. Lecture and its recording will be available online HERE.

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The Czech Republic has selected the APR1000 technology for the new nuclear reactors at the Dukovany nuclear power plant. The Korean APR1000 technology supplied by KHNP is built on a long and robust nuclear technology development. This unique lecture will introduce the APR1000 technology and the historical development of Korean nuclear technology. A demonstration of Korean musical culture will be held before the actual lecture begins.

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