
Field abbreviation: ASI

Field code: 3901T056

Course duration: 2 years

Field specialisation: -

Course characteristics

The master´s degree course in Applications of Software Engineering is of interdisciplinary character because it is based on relating informatics to natural sciences, mainly modern sections of mathematics and applied physics. It encourages students to use information technologies in solving practical problems in physics, natural sciences, engineering, and computer technology. The common denominator to the degree course can be found in the creation of models which result in designing and implementing systems supporting applications in natural sciences and economy.

IT courses develop basic computer skills, knowledge of modern forms of programming, network technologies, and operation systems; of mainframe systems technologies; image processing methods; and theoretical informatics. Mathematics courses concentrate on complexity theory, graph theory, neural networks, advanced numerical methods, and some other modern disciplines. Physics courses are devoted to selected topics of applied physics. All courses focus on extending students´ knowledge in the given fields and offer a significant insight into their state-of-the-art. Part of the degree course is also team-based and/or individual independent student projects on an assigned topic. These projects acquaint the students with how to orient themselves in the given topic and usually result in new findings publishable in scientific journals.

Graduate's profile

Knowledge: The graduate will have acquired a broad knowledge of advanced informatics and modern mathematics, which (depending on the chosen specialisation) are furthered in the courses in mathematical informatics, implementation methods, software project management, scientific computing, and applications in economics.

Skills: The main skills acquired in the degree course include design, analysis, and software project management; management of large IT systems, computer networks and databases; and ability to work in teams. In the specialised courses, the student acquires further skills in mathematics and applied computer science, management of large system, intensive and parallel calculations and the use of informatics in the economy. Moreover, graduates also combine such skills as adaptability, a quick grasp of unfamiliar interdisciplinary problems, problem analysis and its corresponding computer processing, analysis, and synthesis. Good writing skills are a matter of course, as is also a sense of responsibility at work and in decision making.

Competency: Positions for the graduates are open mainly in information technology, in industry, research, and the private sector, and their capability to use highly analytical methods of work and a systematic approach to solving problems with modern information technologies – all acquired throughout the degree course - are highly appreciated. Such positions are available in research and development centres of large corporations, software (IT) centres, in logistics, and banking. Some of the graduates finds work in teams of international scientific experiments at CERN and other similarly-oriented laboratories.

State final examination

  • General informatics - compulsory subject
  • Probability and mathematical statistics, theory of information - compulsory subject
  • Software engineering - elective subject
  • Economics - elective subject

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Department of Software Engineering

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