Department of Software Engineering
The Department leads courses in the field of computer science, mainly related to areas
of scientific computing and data processing, optimization, machine learning and artificial
intelligence. The Department's study programme Applied Informatics in Natural Sciences
provides students strong interdisciplinary knowledge and connection from computer science
to other fields, especially applied physics. The future graduates are trained with emphasis on
successful application of theoretical knowledge to solving practical problems using modern
methods and technologies that are suitable in particular cases.
Department guarantees education in the following Doctoral Programme branch
Science and Research
The Department is based in Prague as well as in Děčín where it operates, for example, a
3D printing lab. The Department collaborates with several domestic as well as international
academic institutions, companies, medical centers, and public administration institutions.
Several members of the department participate in LHC experiments at CERN as software
support specialists. Members of this team are responsible for the smooth running of one of the
largest database systems, which must be able to process and store high-volume real-time
data. Another research objective of the Department is an early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s
disease, which would contribute to timely medication and thereby reduce disease symptoms
and rate of degeneration of the human brain. In addition, the Department is also focused on
computer 3D brain image analysis from PET, SPECT or MRI and its evaluation to better
understand the data obtained.
Cooperation with Institutions
Trojanova 13Praha 2
120 01
Tel.: +420 770 128 147
Pohraniční 1
Děčín I
405 01
Tel.: +420 778 548 202
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Head of Department
doc. Ing. Radek Fučík, Ph.D.Deputy Head of Department
Mgr. Dana Majerová, Ph.D.Department Assistant
Ing. Klára KuchyňkováDana LandovskáAdditional information