

The Department of Physics offers basic courses in physics, physics labs for bachelor students, and physics courses following the core course. The body of physics knowledge from the core course in physics is essential for higher courses attended at departments training students for their chosen specialisation.

The Department offers specialized physics courses in the Bachelor Programme

and also in the finishing Bachelor field of study

In the Continuation Master Programme

and in the Doctoral Programme


Science and Research

Research in the department is focused on many problems of mathematical physics, quantum information and communication, nuclear and particle physics, as well as plasma and tokamak physics. Department members and their students cooperate with many leading scientific centres in Europe and in the world, including CERN and BNL. Thus, students can join young dynamic teams with a strong professional outlook, also outside the academic milieu. To do science and teach, the Department operates its own fusion reactor (tokamak) called Golem and Centre of Advanced Detection Systems Development, Doppler Institute of Theoretical Physics and Centre of Relativistic and Ultra-Relativistic Nuclear Collisions Physics are also affiliated with the Department.


Cooperation with Institutions

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KP in Images

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Břehová 7
Praha 1
115 19

tel.: +420 771 276 596

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Head of Department

doc. Ing. Martin Štefaňák, Ph.D.

Deputy Head of Department

Ing. Zdeněk Hubáček, Ph.D.
Aurél Gábor Gábris, Ph.D.
Ing. Miroslav Myška, Ph.D

Department Secretary

Ing. Jaroslav Novotný, Ph.D.

Department Assistant

Petra Brázdová Hájková

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