
Field abbreviation: MF

Field code: 3901T069

Course duration: 2 years

Field specialisation: -

Course characteristics

The master´s degree course provides a good insight into theoretical and mathematical physics and develops the student´s understanding of theoretical physics as applied to natural sciences and engineering and is appreciated mainly by highly motivated candidates.

The course curriculum includes individual independent student projects on a given topic, often producing encouraging results publishable in scientific journals.

The in-depth courses focus on modern mathematical and theoretical physics, especially functional analysis and spectral theory of operators, differential geometry and Lie group theory, statistical physics, classical and quantum gravitation theories, quantum field theory, and quantum information theory.

Graduate's profile

Knowledge: Graduates acquire a thorough knowledge of advanced mathematical, physical, and computational disciplines, which can be extended, according to their specialisation, to cover applied mathematics or engineering computational science.

Skills: The skills gained cover application of methods and procedures of applied mathematics and physics to solving theoretical and real-life engineering and scientific problems. In addition to specialised course-based skills, graduates in mathematical engineering gain typical professional skills of adaptability, a quick grasp of unfamiliar interdisciplinary problems, problem analysis and its subsequent computer processing and synthesising results. Good writing skills are a matter of course.

Competency: Graduates can seek positions in education and research institutions and in industry, where they can make use of analytical thinking, a systematic approach in addressing problems, and their knowledge of mathematics, physics, and advanced computer technology. Such positions are available at universities, in research institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and in research and development centres of large enterprises.

State final examination

  • Quantum physics - compulsory subject
  • Advanced geometrical methods in physics - compulsory subject
  • Field quantum theory - elective subject
  • Lie algebras, Lie groups and their applications - elective subject
  • Statistical physics - elective subject

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Department of Physics


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