
Field abbreviation: DM

Field code: 3901T059

Course duration: 2 years

Field specialisation: -

Course characteristics

The master's degree course in Diagnostics of Materials is inter-disciplinary and is largely oriented towards the study of advanced topics of materials science. It provides knowledge of the behaviour of objects and their systems in terms of mechanical and structural properties of materials during the process of failure, of products´ lifetimes, and of new technologies. The course is multi-disciplinary and provides advanced elements of classical and modern physics, mathematics, and informatics. It trains student to have the technical competency for the use of methods derived from physics in natural sciences and in engineering practice, often based on modern computer technologies. Physics-based science courses cover mechanics and electricity and magnetism.

Students acquire a deeper knowledge especially of physics-based metallurgy, elastomechanics, dynamics of the continuum, theory of plasticity, fracture and computational mechanics, fatigue of materials, and non-destructive diagnostics. The courses are continuously updated to acquaint the students with the most recent state-of-the-art of the subject. Part of the course also includes specialised laboratory training and a project on a topic of the student’s choosing. Work on the project helps to obtain insight into the issue, moreover, the findings are often published in scientific journals.

Graduate's profile

Knowledge: The graduates will have acquired a broad knowledge of advanced issues of applied physics and, in particular, of materials science and applied mechanics.

Skills: The students are provided training in the main skills fundamental to engineering, in developing technical skills, and in using the appropriate methods of solving problems in engineering, research, and scientific practice. In addition to the professional skills gained, emphasis is also placed on skills intended to develop habits of adaptability, responsibility, and quick decision-making, and understanding, analysing, and processing results of interdisciplinary problems.

Competency: Due to their analytical professional skills, a systematic approach towards solution of problems, the knowledge gained, and computer dexterity, the graduates are highly sought after in industry, research, and the private sector. They can seek positions in the institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences, in research and development centres of large enterprises, in other research institutes, in conventional and nuclear power plants, and in aviation, car, and transport industry. Their professional competence and capabilities make them eligible for leading positions.

State final examination

  • Physical metallurgy - compulsory subject
  • Applied mechanics - compulsory subject
  • Fracture mechanics and damage processes - compulsory subject

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Department of Materials

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