
Field abbreviation: FTTF

Field code: 3901T062

Course duration: 2 years

Field specialisation: -

Course characteristics

The master´s degree course in Physics and Technology of Thermonuclear Fusion is interdisciplinary in character and includes classical and advanced sections of physics of thermonuclear fusion. It prepares students for careers combining natural sciences, engineering, and information technology.

The in-depth instruction provides an insight into the state-of-the-art of the field. The course curriculum also includes specialised training in laboratory work and individual independent student projects on a given topic, often producing encouraging results publishable in scientific journals.

On this course, the future graduates gain a thorough knowledge of mathematics and physics applicable to solving engineering, research, and scientific problems related to physics and plasma technology, in particular thermonuclear fusion. This master´s degree course in Physics and Technology of Thermonuclear Fusion consists of three main elements: theory, experimental physics, and fusion technology, and students are expected to demonstrate an in-depth mastery of their fundamentals. However, they are allowed considerable freedom to specialise and choose optional lectures and the topic of their master´s thesis. In addition to lectures offering knowledge of the theory, students have hands-on training and experience on the Golem tokamak, newly installed at the Faculty. Such training also takes place in partner institutions, especially in the Czech Academy of Sciences (on the Compass tokamak). Moreover, the degree course programme is closely linked to the European-coordinated fusion research programme (thanks to the Faculty´s membership in the EURATOM-IPR.CR Association), which offers students many mobility programmes.

Graduate's profile

Knowledge: Students gain detailed knowledge of plasma physics theory and technology, with an emphasis placed on research and development of thermonuclear fusion for future use in power engineering. Detailed study of these issues is part of the course.

Skills: Graduates will have gained good orientation skills in the scientific and technological issues of plasma physics and its sophisticated applications.

Competency: The graduates have excellent qualifications for positions of engineers, researchers, and scientists in advanced applications of plasma physics, such as thermonuclear fusion reactors of both types of plasma containment: magnetic and inertial; through environmental, medical and materials engineering, to investigation into the processes taking place in plasma states of matter in the Universe. The combination of a rich theoretical background, good prospects for the future and extensive interdisciplinary qualifications make it easy for graduates to find positions, both in science and in the very latest fields of industry.

State final examination

  • Plasma theory - compulsory subject
  • Physics of Tokamaks - compulsory subject
  • Inertial fusion physics - elective subject
  • Computer modelling of plasma - elective subject
  • Plasma diagnostics - elective subject
  • Technology of thermonuclear facilities - elective subject
  • Structure and properties of materials - elective subject

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Department of Physics


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