
Field abbreviation: JCF

Field code: 3901T061

Course duration: 2 years

Field specialisation: -

Course characteristics

The master´s degree course is oriented towards nuclear physics and elementary particle physics, i.e. fields providing fundamental knowledge of the structure of matter and basic interactions between elementary particles. Considerable knowledge and many methods, however, have now escaped bounds of physics and are applied in various fields of human activity. Study plans for the degree course are based on the Faculty´s core course in physics, mathematics and chemistry.

The degree course consists of acourse in subatomic physics and in quantum fields, including lectures in theoretical and quantum physics. They are complemented by lectures in the theory of electro-weak interactions, neutron physics, nuclear spectroscopy, quantum chromo-dynamics, and experimental methods in nuclear and sub-nuclear physics. Part of the course also consists of two-semester practicals in experimental nuclear physics data processing using computer technology, and physical interpretation of the experimental data obtained. Independent work in alaboratory constitutes an important part of the course, where an individual approach is preferred. Students are gradually involved in the solution of research programmes to be prepared for modern teamwork in research. The academic programme utilises the department´s close cooperation with institutions outside the Faculty (Czech Academy of Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics; CERN, Geneva; BNL, Brookhaven; FNAL, Chicago; GSI, Darmstadt; etc.).

Graduate's profile

Knowledge: Graduates in the Experimental Nuclear and Particle Physics master´s degree course qualify as research physicists having awide range of job opportunities in research (fundamental, applied, strategic) and in the development of engineering applications.

Skills: The skills gained cover the use of methods and techniques of applied physics in solving current engineering and scientific problems. In addition to specialised course-based skills, graduates also gain typical professional skills of adaptability, aquick grasp of unfamiliar interdisciplinary problems, problem analysis and its subsequent computer processing and result synthesis. Students are also trained to develop asense of responsibility in decision-making.

Competency: Graduates can obtain positions of responsibility in the nuclear industry, research, and power engineering and there make use of the analytical thinking acquired in addition to asystematic approach to solving problems by using advanced computer technology.

They are successful in presenting scientific results at international conferences and in papers published in respected peer-reviewed journals. As master student’s interns, they can join institutes and universities abroad for several months, which is excellent experience for joining later national and international scientific teams.

State final examination

  • Nuclear and subnuclear physics - compulsory subject
  • Experimental methods of nuclear and subnuclear physics - compulsory subject
  • Particle physics - elective subject
  • Detectors of particles and photons - elective subject
  • Nuclear spectroscopy - elective subject

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Department of Physics


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