In 2024 the award will be 600 000 CZK and split among three women scientists. Scientists can use the amount freely for direct or indirect career development. On top of the financial support, the winners have access to media coverage that will help them build their network and inspire young girls to choose a scientific career.
- PhD degree
- Program open to women scientists from these scientific fields: Physical Sciences, Formal Sciences, Engineering Sciences and Technology and Life and Environmental sciences (please, read the Rules and regulations)
- Female scientists ≤ 40 years old
- A scientific project running in the Czech Republic
- Czech nationality or foreign nationality but working at least one year in Czech Science (more info in the Rules and regulations)
PARTNERS: Czech Academy of Science; Czech commission for UNESCO
L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science program was launched in the Czech Republic in 2006. The program cooperates with the Czech Commission of UNESCO and the Czech Academy of Sciences.
Our faculty and CTU have long been striving for greater involvement of women in technology and science, for example, on February 9, we are organizing an event aimed at high school girls called Become a Scientist for a Day. Graduates of our faculty regularly receive prestigious awards. This December, for example, Ing. Veronika Dmitrievna Prozorova received the prestigious Martina Roeselová Memorial Grant, and Bc. Daniela Opočenská from the Department of Mathematics won the Stanislav Hanzl Award for the best students of CTU.