
Field abbreviation: LPT

Field code: 3901R067

Course duration: 3 years

Field specialisation: -

Course characteristics

The bachelor's degree course in Lasers and Instrument technology is multi-disciplinary and stresses the relations between classical and modern physics, mathematics, and informatics. It guides the students to use methods derived from physics in the design and application of modern lasers, and instrumentation in natural sciences, engineering, and industrial practice, including the use of modern computer technologies.

Physics courses cover mechanics, electricity and magnetism, waves and optics, laser physics, experimental physics, and microprocessor engineering with an emphasis placed on training in the laboratory. Mathematics subjects comprise selected topics of mathematical analysis, algebra, and numerical methods. Computer technology courses develop computer skills, presentation skills (of the measured data and of the student's own work), basic knowledge of programming, scientific calculations, as well as efficient use of the internet. According to the student's choice, specialised courses further their competence in the physics of laser systems, microprocessor, or control technology. The obligation (from the second year of study) to join the department’s research teams or of the cooperating institution, participate in their research and report on the work as part of the coursework is important for supporting the professional orientation of the students. The topic of the bachelor’s project is usually related to the topic of this work.

Graduate's profile

Knowledge: Students study the fundamental sections of physics, mathematics and IT, expanded into laser technology and physical data processing. Based on the selection of specialised courses, students get acquainted with laser systems physics or microprocessor technologies. The graduates are thus qualified for starting their career in this field or continue their education in a respective master's degree course.

Skills: The graduates are skilled in using modern methods and processes of fundamental areas of physics, in particular of modern laser physics and general instrumentation used in solving engineering problems. They can grasp the physics-related aspect of the problem and view it in relation to computer technology. The graduates have two years of invaluable experience participating in projects, on an assigned or chosen topic, and in their written and oral presentations. Throughout the degree course they are trained to develop a sense of responsibility at work and in decision making.

Competency: The graduates are highly sought after mainly in industry, research, the military and/or private sector, because they have been educated to use highly analytical methods of work a systematic approach to solving problems, modern laser technologies, up-to-date instrumentation, and computer technology in general. They will capitalize on their know-how, especially in jobs utilising advanced laser technology, i.e. as expert technical staff in health research organizations (e.g. ELI and HiLASE), modern technological, measuring, control, and metrological centres of industrial companies and organisations.

State final examination

  • Lasers and electrical engineering - compulsory subject
  • Optics and optoelectronics - elective subject
  • Physics and technique of laser systems - elective subject
  • Microprocessors - elective subject
  • Processing of physical data - elective subject

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Department of Physical Electronics

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