
Field abbreviation: MI

Field code: 3901R021

Course duration: 3 years

Field specialisation:

Course characteristics

Mathematical Engineering is a multi-disciplinary bachelor´s degree course, comprising classical and modern parts of mathematics, physics, and informatics. It encourages students to apply mathematics to physics in practice, natural sciences, economic and engineering in practice, making use of computer technologies. Mathematics courses include selected topics of mathematical analysis, algebra, functional analysis, mathematical physics, numerical mathematics, probability theory, and mathematical statistics. Physics courses include mechanics, electricity and magnetism, waves and optics, thermodynamics, and theoretical physics. Computer science courses provide basic computer skills, programming skills, discrete mathematics, and theoretical computer science.

Graduate's profile

Knowledge: The student acquires knowledge of basic mathematical, physical, and informatics disciplines and a deeper insight into applied mathematics, mathematical physics, and stochastic processes, depending on the specialisation. Successful graduates can apply for admission to the Master Continuation Programme in the same or related field.

Skills: The graduates are skilled in using basic methods in mathematics and physics and procedures for solving practical engineering problems via modern computer technologies.

Competency: The graduates are competent users of highly analytical methods of work and systematic approach to problems through knowledge and skills acquired in modern information technologies. These capabilities make the bachelor graduates excellent candidates for positions in industry, research, and the banking and private sectors.


According to the selected compulsory courses, in the third year of study the degree course splits into the following specialisations:

  • Mathematical modelling, where students further their knowledge in disciplines required for the design of mathematical models in various sections of engineering and research, and in courses related to efficient use of cutting-edge computer technology. The graduates can embark on a career at universities, research institutions and in social institutions, where demanding mathematical and computational methods are required.

    State final examination

    Mathematical analysis and linear algebra - compulsory subject
    Basics of numerical mathematics - elective subject
    Kinetic theory and thermodynamics - elective subject
    Basics of mathematical statistics - elective subject
    Analytical mechanics - elective subject

  • Mathematical Physics, where students obtain broad training in physics, especially theoretical physics, broad foundations in mathematical methods including modern parts of algebra, differential geometry, and algebraic topology. Moreover, they also master the tools of mathematical modelling, using computers for numerical and symbolic calculations and simulations of processes of various natures.

    Students’ coursework comprises a significant portion of supervised individual work. A high level of expertise is guaranteed by joining international scientific cooperation teams in the Doppler Institute of FNSPE, Czech Academy of Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna, Université de Montréal, Université de Paris VII, etc.

    In-depth theoretical foundations of modern mathematics and physics, in particular quantum physics, prepare the graduates for the emerging interdisciplinary fields in natural sciences or for engineering research and thus how to engage with and solve problems during their career.

    State final examination

    Mathematical analysis and linear algebra - compulsory subject
    Basics of numerical mathematics - elective subject
    Kinetic theory and thermodynamics - elective subject
    Basics of mathematical statistics - elective subject
    Analytical mechanics - elective subject

  • Applied Mathematical Stochastic Methods, where students further their knowledge of the theory of probability and mathematical statistics, numerical mathematics, mathematical physics, stochastics games, graph theory, and econometry. Practical skills are also developed in the LaTeX program and mathematical software (Matlab, Mathematica, Maple). Students acquire a solid theoretical foundation in mathematical and statistical disciplines reflecting modern trends in science, and practical experience in selected areas of applied research.

    State final examination

    Mathematical analysis and linear algebra - compulsory subject
    Basics of numerical mathematics - elective subject
    Kinetic theory and thermodynamics - elective subject
    Basics of mathematical statistics - elective subject
    Analytical mechanics - elective subject

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Department of Mathematics
Department of Physics

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