
Field abbreviation: JCH

Field code: 3901T072

Course duration: 2 years

Field specialisation: -

Course characteristics

The master´s degree course in Nuclear Chemistry is oriented towards the education of professionals for fundamental and applied research and practice within the field of nuclear chemistry, environmental chemistry, and applied nuclear chemistry, including applications in biology and medicine. The curriculum provides education in nuclear chemistry disciplines with an emphasis on knowledge applicable in research and engineering.

The courses are devoted to in-depth study of the above areas, and students gain an insight into state-of-the-art of the field. The curriculum comprises specialised laboratory courses and independent student projects on an individually chosen topic. These projects enable each student to acquire deeper orientation in an issue and usually result in new findings publishable in scientific journals.

Students can further specialise by selecting modules of elective subjects in applied nuclear chemistry, environmental chemistry, and radioecology, or in nuclear chemistry for biology and medicine. Regarding the chosen specialisation, the student chooses a topic for the master thesis and an elective subject for the State Final Examination.

Graduate's profile

Knowledge: Graduates can demonstrate knowledge of advanced nuclear chemistry disciplines and a profound insight into their applications in research, engineering, nuclear energy, biology, and medicine, as appropriate to their specialisation.

Skills: The graduates are skilled in using the methods and procedures of nuclear chemistry appropriate for solving engineering, research, and scientific problems. In addition to the specialised skills gained during the course, graduates in Nuclear Chemistry gain also professional skills such as adaptability, a quick grasp of unfamiliar interdisciplinary problems, and skills required for problem analysis and its corresponding, computer processing and synthesis. Good writing skills are a matter of course. The graduates will have also developed a sense of responsibility in decision making.

Competency: The course graduates can seek positions in the nuclear or chemical industry, research and power engineering, environmental protection, and health care. Their capabilities to use analytical thinking and a systematic approach to problems based on the acquired knowledge and skills in advanced computer technology make them highly qualified for positions in nuclear power plants and nuclear facilities, in research and development centres of large enterprises, or research institutes. Besides professional competence, graduates are successful in dealing with positions of responsibility.

State final examination

  • Nuclear chemistry - compulsory subject
  • Physical chemistry - compulsory subject
  • Applied nuclear chemistry - elective subject
  • Environmental chemistry and radioecology - elective subject
  • Nuclear chemistry in biology and medicine - elective subject

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Department of Nuclear Chemistry

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